

High Wycombe Central Aid receives King's Award for Voluntary Service

The charity, established in 1906 in High Wycombe, helps local people living in poverty or going through a crisis. Now, its activities centre on the Central Aid Furniture Project which collects donated furniture and appliances to be checked, tested, cleaned, stored and distributed to homes in need. 

The King’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE.

Margaret Stagg, Chair of the Trustees said, “It is a great honour and a wonderful way to recognise the thousands of hours our volunteers have put into assisting others in need throughout Buckinghamshire. Each year we help furnish hundreds of empty homes. For example we replace damaged appliances or broken beds, provide food storage and cooking facilities, kitchen starter packs, curtains and bedding. Cots are given for babys and desks where children can study. All items are reused from our generous donors and supporters which also helps reduce environmental waste. “

Stuart Allen, General Manager added, “The volunteers come from all backgrounds and abilities. I am amazed at how dedicated they are – whether it’s 1,2 or even 3 days a week or a task that requires a few hours a month. For some it’s staying active and busy, others the social involvement or using technical and professional skills, others benefit from work experience or a reference to take the next step. In my time here, we have had several volunteers successfully employed by the charity. It’s changed lives for the better – clients and volunteers. That’s our mission.” 

2023 Update

At the start of the 2023 year, we have re-introduced the two-tier pricing scheme for Public shoppers and Members.  The Membership scheme offers 25% discount on most items for those homes receiving the usual means-tested government benefits eg. Universal credit, Housing benefit, Child and working tax credits, Pension credit, ESA.   Forms are available in the warehouse or update your records if previously registered.  We also run a Supporters scheme for those who wish to help our fundraising through sales to the public.  For a £15 annual fee,  Supporters receive email updates and 10% off the public sale price.  Member and Supporter discounts exclude items already labelled on a  Special price.  

Both schemes have been well received with over 120 new applications and many renewals in the first 3 months. 

GRANTS of furniture, electricals, kitchen starter packs, curtains and floor coverings totalled £36,180 to 219 homes in the year ending March 2022. This means 379 residents, including 143 children, received help.  The government funded council's  Helping Hands scheme prioritises families meaning more single person person households used our Grant program (66%).  A quarter of recipients were aged over 50. 

In addition the Buckinghamshire Council Helping Hand initiative made purchases for delivery to 137 family homes in need throughout Bucks. 

The van and warehouse has returned to a 'new normal' - with higher demand and greater purchases by the public after the strains of COVID were replaced by the cost of living crisis.  

We are desperately short of storage space to take advantage of bulk donations such as recently the Brunel University donated 40 fridges and freezers from student accommodation.

Are you able to spend a few hours working with us? Roles include helping in the furniture warehouse, on the van collecting and delivering furniture. Online management and design - help us to refresh our look and maintain a web presence. Call 01494 443459

Delivering grant furniture & appliances to families since Covid  restrictions  - 2020-22
A rotating skeleton staff were able to help many more families than usual being rehoused from hostels, hospitals or refuge situations.  Many alternative sources for low cost essentials such as beds, washing machines, fridges etc have already recently closed down as the dried up or closed down, at the same time as calls from welfare and housing agencies poured in, it is fortunate than we had stock and willing staff enabling  170 households (including 142 children) to be assisted after the crisis started.

A special note to recognise van drivers Lee, Simon and Gary, and (volunteers) Barry Osborne, Ian Cranshaw who have coped with dealing with the extra safety concerns thrown up by Covid and some difficult requests.   

Limited collections from helpful donors enabled us to do twice the normal grant capacity.  The net cost to the charity is  currently £32,000.  This was possible as the charity has a policy of accessible  reserves for such emergencies.   Fortunately the government Covid assistance to retailers (£13,000),  a Heart of Bucks grant (£3,000), the well-timed Reuse Network WEEE (Waste Electrical) fund (£8,200) and the Anson Trust with staff furlough receipts allowed us to retain staff and provide essential assistance to vulnerable families and individuals.  

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